Core Values

“Let this be written for a future generation…” Psalm 102:18
Our values are beliefs that tell why we do what we do. They are rooted in our history and will significantly influence our future. They guide our thinking, planning, and decision making, and are the driving force behind virtually every aspect of our ministry. The values we have put into writing are selective. These are our “Core Values.” Some are peculiar to RHMA — distinguishing us from other ministries. Accompanying our values are examples and illustrations of how each might be lived out in a small-town context.
RHMA values . . .
Bible-based ministry. The Bible is the source from which our ministry should be derived (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Therefore, we will continually strive to make sure the ministry methods we employ are consistent with biblical principles.
Persistent prayer. Ongoing prayer is our most fundamental demonstration of dependence upon God (Psalm 127:1; Luke 11:5-13; 18:1-5).
Therefore, our ministries and activities will be characterized by a reliance on individual and corporate prayer in their conception, planning, and execution.
Healthy relationships. Healthy relationships among ministry leaders is a key to healthy churches (Hebrews 10:24-25).
Therefore, we will diligently strive to foster a healthy relational atmosphere in which mutual respect, love, and care for each other is expressed.
Interdependent relationships. Interdependence recognizes our personal inadequacies and our need to work together to fulfill the Great Commission (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Acts 20:27-28; 1 Corinthians 1:26-29; 12:1-31).
Therefore, we will be intentional about such things as team leadership, developing partnerships, and networking with others.
Influential local churches. The local church is the God-ordained means for lasting spiritual influence in a community (Matthew 16:18).
Therefore, the heart of our ministry is establishing and nurturing local churches that are maturing and effective. Correspondingly, we see the best purpose for ministries of a more temporary or short-term nature (such as revival services, Vacation Bible Schools, and camps) as being to help establish influential, lasting, local churches.
Small places. Every community should have a vibrant, Bible-teaching, gospel-preaching church (Zechariah 4:10a; Acts 1:8; Luke 15:4-7).
Therefore, we will endeavor to plant a healthy church in rural and small-town communities where there is none.
Therefore, we will endeavor to strengthen churches that already exist in rural communities and small towns.
Small-town potential. Even the most isolated contexts are not limiting to God (Matthew 9:35-36; Colossians 1:1-14).
Therefore, we will strive to not allow ourselves to think that places with limited resources — people, finances, buildings — limit what God can do.
Therefore, we are committed to helping churches achieve self-sustaining status even in remote places.
Quality ministry. God deserves the best we have to offer (Colossians 3:23).
Therefore, our ministry labors will reflect our belief that smaller places should receive our best efforts — certainly no less than larger places. Wherever we serve, we will seek to maintain a high standard of excellence to the glory of God.
TACT Program

3 out of 4 graduates seeking a pastorate will find themselves in a small-town or country church ... Are you prepared?