The Newest RHMA Missionaries . . .  

Ryan & Melissa McGhee and their four kids are church planting in Melissa’s hometown of Park Falls, Wisconsin (not far from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan). After graduating with a degree in chemical engineering (University of Minnesota), the couple moved to the greater Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. After several years of working in his field, Ryan felt called to ministry and enrolled in the D.C. campus of Dallas Theological Seminary. During those years of pursuing his ThM, he also served as Youth Director of their local church. They moved to Melissa’s hometown (pop. 2,393) to plant a church in the fall of 2022.

Ron & Terri Luce spent much of their adult life far from the Lord. Their photography business drew them to a church where they had taken pictures for enough weddings to get familiar with – and like! – the pastor and people. They soon surrendered their lives to Christ and immediately became involved in the church to the point that Ron was asked to be a deacon and then the Executive Pastor. Leading a small group eventually turned into a core group for a church plant in Rusk, Texas. Ron continues his studies at Dallas Theological Seminary even as he oversees the church plant.

Josh & Sydney Smith met while students at Moody Bible Institute (where both of Josh’s parents are professors). During Sydney’s college years she spent a couple summers doing a Women’s Ministry internship at RHMA’s church plant in Colorado City, Arizona – a community that once belonged to Warren Jeffs and the FLDS (Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints). The Smiths have now moved to that town to head up the youth ministry at the COMMON GROUNDS Center.



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