So why should a farm boy learn to play the trombone?
Click here and watch a couple minutes and you’ll have your answer!
Got more hay and straw than you know what to do with?
Why not do what they do in the French Alps? Host a sculpture contest!
Eyes on the back of your . . . cow!
Farmers from Botswana might have something to teach their American counterparts on protecting their animals from predators!
There’s more than one way to shuck an ear of corn.
When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade. When corn prices are low, pull out the corn cannon . . . and have a little fun.
So, do Petco stores REALLY mean it when they say “All leashed pets are welcome”??
Vincent Browning found out the Humble, Texas, store does – including his African Watusi! Follow them into the store.
Deputize the herd!
A group of cows apparently decide to help corral a suspected carjacker . . .
Who says you can’t fight City Hall?!
Don’t tell that to 9-year-old Dane Best. He went to the Town Board of Severence, Colorado (pop. 4,275), and got a hundred-year-old ban on snowball fights repealed!
Stop kissing your hedgehog!
The Center for Disease Control has discovered an outbreak of salmonella poisoning that’s been traced to snuggling with pet hedgehogs.
Who says crime is going down in rural America?!
TACT Program

3 out of 4 graduates seeking a pastorate will find themselves in a small-town or country church ... Are you prepared?